Posts tagged naturopath

What I’m reading, and other news

Just an update – since I used this blog as a record of my own reading…

Reading: Right now I am engrossed in a few books: Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov; Small Changes, by Marge Piercy; and the current issue of The Believer.   Feed my brain!

Life: I’m right now packing up for my move to Michigan. Monday was my last day as copy editor at the local paper … it’s a little weird to have so much time to myself now, but that’s what I wanted!  I’m hoping to leave this weekend, and looking forward to spending time with family and getting myself grounded again.

Naturopath: I realize I never really gave an update after last time like I said I would. Basically, I completed a two month allergy diet and determined that I at least have a sensitivity to SOY. Not wheat, or corn, or milk even. Soy is really what sets off my tummy. Wow. Kind of interesting for a vegan … So I haven’t been eating soy for about a month, and have been eating local organic eggs from my friend’s farm, and I feel a lot better.

My colitis symptoms are for the most part under control, however, I am still on a lot of pharmaceuticals, including dicyclomine (anti-spasmodic), cortifoam (cortisone supporitories – though I’m doing these less frequently), still on azasan 50 mg x2 (immuno-suppressant).  The funny thing being that I’ve been doing things that were on my ‘avoid list’ for a long time (i.e. smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol moderately) yet  I’ve been feeling healthier than I have in a looong time.

So I think it’s more a state of mind. My stress level is much lower now than it was when I was engaged/married, and I’m more physically active now than I was – walking, yoga, packing etc.

If you get a chance, check out new photos on my Flickr page – I uploaded lots more crochet and knit photos.



As for Barack Obama being elected the 44th president of the United States … WOW. I’m proud to be an American and looking forward to his leadership. I don’t think there’s anything I can say that hasn’t already been said about this historic election, but for me personally it was truly inspiring. America you did the right thing! My faith is restored!

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Naturopathic Medicine II

I’ve noticed a lot of people have been reading my first post on Naturopathic Medicine, so I am posting an update of my progress so far working with a N.D. on my Ulcerative Colitis. I am also going to post a page with some background about my seven year journey, including alternative therapies, with U.C. for people who are looking for support.
I had a phone follow-up call with the N.D. a few days ago after about 5 weeks on the regimen that we specified (see previous post). So far the results have been good, in conjunction with the pharmadrugs. I am finally tapering off of the Predisone, down to 35mg/day from 50mg. I will be off it by mid-February. My colon has calmed down a lot, though not to the “one or two” bowel movements per day that both my dr’s are hoping for.
The tumeric and herbal blend (marshmallow, slippery elm, etc) that I have been taking twice a day is part of a long range plan with stages for the healing and restoration. I will keep taking these for two more months before going on to another blend (not sure what that is).
My diet is almost back to normal – meaning, a high-fiber plant-based diet. I have to watch the fiber though, make sure it’s enough soluable. I’ve stopped eating the cheese and few eggs that I had been for a few weeks – a recommitted vegan – after reading the first 100 pages of The World Peace Diet and being reminded of the horrible pain and suffering involved with producing those ‘foods.’
Interestingly, I have found now that if I am going to eat a lot of fruit or veggies, it’s better to eat them raw with the enzymes intact – then I have much less bloating and unconfortability. When I told that to the N.D., she suggested that I go back to using digestive enzymes only when I have a big cooked meal. I am still taking UltraFlora (probiotics), Iron Extra, and at least 3,000mg of Flax Oil a day. Eating it as just oil wasn’t working so well for me, so I take caplets, but I also eat oil and flax meal pretty much everyday. You can never get enough of that stuff! The N.D. says that eventually the omega-3 rich flax oil is what is going to act as the anti-inflammatory after I am off the predisone.
The goal is not, obviously, to be on a lot of supplements. Right now they are really supportive for the healing process. I’ve gained some weight (about 10 lbs.), either from the predisone or from actually being able to digest food, or both. Either way, I am feeling a lot better and my energy is up despite the drug-induced insomnia (sleeping about 5 hours a night). Unfortunately, I had picked up drinking small amounts of coffee throughout the day to combat my sleepiness (and b/c I like the taste and live with a coffee snob) but now at my N.D.’s suggestion am switching to green tea and yerba mate, both of which have some benefits for UC.
I’ll leave you with this thought: Health is a function of your participation. Participation in life, in your healing, in anything. You have to engage. The energy you put in is what feeds you life. I have been on a crazy roller coaster of participation, throwing myself back into multiple projects and socializing a lot since coming out of ‘hiding’ (translation: hospital) and that has been a large part of my healing.
I realize this may be striking for many who think they need to ‘conserve’ their energy in order for their body to heal, but that is a stingy attitude (a conversation coming from scarcity) that will probably leave you always feeling tired and unsatisfied … If you want an abundance of health and vitality, YOU have to generate it and put it out there. [While being responsible for it and taking care of yourself.]

Also: The second Tuesday in February, I will be giving a talk to a local (Utica, NY) wellness group about healing and living with colitis naturally. Just a little background (more to be up on a page soon), some of the ‘alternative’ therapies that I have benefitted from that I will discuss include yoga, acupunture, BIOSET, reiki, diet and cleansing, enzyme therapy, homeopathy, raw food and juicing, colon hydrotherapy and herbal enemas.

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Naturopathic Medicine

N and I took a trek out to Auburn yesterday to visit a holistic naturopathic doctor. The trip was was a bit trying, but well worth it. She took my entire history down, and not just all the ‘medical’ stuff but other information about my life etc. In the end we came up with a plan to support me getting more nutrition back in my diet to support my body’s natural healing ability and to calm/soothe the overactive colon, and we also focused on balancing my hormones that seem to be out of whack.
If you are interested in basic nutrition/nutrition for colitis, this might be of interest to you. The supplements I am on are all capsule or powder form for easier digestion, and include a natural Iron+vit C+herbal (integrative absorption for iron, since I am anemic right now), Integrative Nutrition Multi-V, powdered magnesium (low dose), double dose of Metagenics Ultra-Flora DF (possible the best probiotic out there) and an herbal soother for the colon wich includes slippery elm, marshmallow root, and licorice etc. I don’t usually take a lot of supplements, but it seems necessary right now to restore my health.
Foodwise, she also reccomended eating 1-2 tsp of tumeric a day and up to 3 tbs flax oil a day (since I don’t eat fish). And I’m to go back on my AM smoothie regimen, which includes powdered wheatgrass and maca root with banana. Blended soups, very cooked vegetables avocados, and rice all seem like very safe foods to me right now. Also, I’ve been eating some dairy & eggs with no ill effects.
To balance my menstruel cycle (which we identified as pro-estrogen) she suggested that I eat 2 tsp of flaxmeal a day in the early phase of the cycle and 1000-1500 mg Evening Primrose Oil a day during the latter part of the cycle. We’ll see how that works out, b/c I had been taking both all the time. Also, I’m going to start doing the castor oil packs regularly.
What I found most affirming is that a lot of these things were things I had researched and started on my own, but with not positive reinforcement or certainty that they were the ‘right’ things, so hearing all this from the DR. was great. I have a follow up phone call in five weeks to see how it’s going …

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